The Kimberley region is where I began my photographic career. And it is a place that will always be incredibly special to me. When I want to cleanse the soul it is where I will always return to. Deep into the wild regions where few people go. To challenge myself to live comfortably amongst some of the harshest terrain that Australia has to offer.
In recent years the Kimberley has changed a lot. Proposals for large-scale industrial development have brought an enhanced focus on the region and visitor numbers have increased significantly as a result. Concurrently with that the Kimberley is being impacted by many of the same ills that affect urban society. A drive for more rules and regulation. And competition for control between Government and pastoralists and indigenous peoples and large-scale industry. It is a different Kimberley to the one that I fell in love with.
The Kimberley that I fell in love with was a special place. Remote places and authentic people. It is a place where I have had many of the most special experiences of my life. In the early days of my time in the region I set about seeing as much as I could. I loved the freedom that came with its sparse population and visitation. And I set about going to remote places to which no photographer had ever been.
The Kimberley was where I learnt to take beautiful photographs. The Pilbara was where I learnt to take important photographs.
These days I don’t live in the Kimberley region. I’ve learned over the years, at least in my case, that it’s best to live away from the places that I spend my time photographing. Because each time that I return I am able to see it with fresh eyes. I’ve never been good at photographing the places in which I live.